It may seem daft to say it but Summer is nearly over and Winter is coming!!!
I know – it doesn’t get old does it?
But seriously, as Schools get ready to go back across Glasgow after the summer holidays, we are now in the countdown to Christmas. And you may think that is a bit premature but just remember, this is Glasgow and it it’s not sunny, its cold. And when it is cold you need your boiler to work.
We keep on saying this to our heating customers. You get your car serviced every year because you don’t want it breaking down but you don’t get your boiler serviced even though you require it more on a daily basis! It’s madness.
Think of a gas boiler service as a bit of insurance. Think about what would happen if you didn’t have a working boiler for three days in November. You can’t run a bath, you can’t run a sink full of hot water to clean the dishes and you can’t sit there after a hard days work to re-watch Game of Thrones without wearing every jumper you own because you have no heating.
Simply put, rather than hope that your boiler won’t break down this Winter – book it in for a boiler service with JSL Heating. We can check it over, make sure that everything is working tip top. And before you worry about the cost of a boiler service, remember that a) it is an investment in your day to day lives, b) is cheaper than you think and c) can actually save you money on heating costs because if your boiler is running inefficiently, it may be costing you a lot more than it should do.
To book in JSL Heating for your gas boiler service and maintenance, call us today and book in a slot that fits your schedule.