How does an air source heat pump work?
Air source heat pumps (also known as ASHPs) absorb heat from the outside air. While they look the same as an air conditioning unit, they operate in the reverse.
There are two types of ASHP:
1. Air to Air Heat Pump
An Air to Air Heat Pump absorbs heat energy from the outside air and then transfers it directly into your home through a cassette fan (the same as an air conditioning unit). This type of air pump is ideal to heat a room or small indoor space but not an entire home. With this type of system, you CANNOT apply for Renewable Heat Incentive payments.
2. Air to Water Heat Pump
An Air to Water Heat Pump absorbs heat energy from the outside air and then transfers it via a traditional central heating system with radiators and hot water cylinder to provide both heating for the rooms of your home and the hot water for your taps. You CAN claim the Renewable heat incentive with this system as it is heating your entire home.
How efficient is an air source heat pump?
The efficiency of your homes air source heat pump can be measured by what is called the Coefficient of Performance (COP). This is the ratio of output compared to the required input. For example, a COP value of 3 means that your homes heat pump produces 3 units of heat energy for every 1 unit of electricity that it is consuming. COP measures the efficiency of the heat pump. It does not measure the system in full over the course of the full year. For that, we need to look at what is called the Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF). This takes into consideration the overall design of the air pump heating system and its performance over the full year.
How long does it take to install a heat pump?
The average installation of an air source heat pump can take between 3 to 4 days depending on how many radiators are being installed and/or swapped over. When you contract JSL Heating, on our first day of the installation project, we install a new hot water cylinder so that you don’t have to go without hot water for any length of time. We will, depending on the time of the year, also supply portable heaters to make sure you also don’t go without heat.
What is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)?
The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (Domestic RHI) is a Government financial incentive to promote the use of renewable heat in domestic homes in the UK. Switching to heating systems that use eligible energy sources can help the UK reduce its carbon emissions and meet its renewable energy targets by 2050.
This is not a means tested incentive and is open to all homeowners.
Once your air source heat pump system is installed and fully commissioned, we will provide you with the required paperwork for your claim and you will then receive payments every quarter for a seven-year period.
How much income will I receive with the RHI?
The income is based on the heat and hot water demand from an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). As part of our service we will arrange an EPC for you. At present the maximum income is around £1,600 per annum and this income is also linked to inflation and will rise year on year.
Do I pay VAT?
Yes. The current VAT rate on heat pumps is a reduced 5%, however the Government has plans to increase this to 20%. If your system is fully fitted before any changes take effect, then you will still benefit from the reduced rate and save 15% on the full installation costs.
Is Annual Servicing Provided?
Yes. At JSL Heating we can offer annual servicing on your Air Source Heat Pump.
With no call out charge and all our heating work guaranteed, we are the right professional for all your central heating maintenance and repair needs. Founded in the outskirts of Bearsden, JSL started out as a simple plumbing and drainage business. But as our reputation grew so did our client list as we kept building up referrals thanks to the consistently good work that we were doing. Over time we had to expand and bring in new staff to cope with the demand. With that came new skills and new opportunities and that is how JSL Heating came to be. Our heating division has now grown to offer a first class heating repairs and servicing service covering all of Glasgow.